Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom of multiples, but it definitely has its unique challenges. Fortunately, I’ve found an amazing support group in an ECFE* class specifically for multiples. I have met some amazing parents through ECFE. My favorites are the ones who have opened up and been honest about the fact that parenting is HARD work. We all want to be the perfect parents, but sometimes we have to settle for just getting through the day with everyone still alive, fed, and relatively clean. Sarah is one of the moms who I met through ECFE and, as a mom of 18 month old identical twin girls and a multiples reporter for the Examiner (, she knows the ups and downs of parenting as well as anyone. Her girls, Lillian and Elise are adorable, active girls and we had a blast running, singing, playing and photographing them on a beautiful fall morning in St. Paul. Thanks to Sarah and Tyler for sharing your family with us. You’re doing a fantastic job!

* For those of you who don’t have small children and, therefore, a constant need to get out of the house before you’re driven crazy, ECFE stands for Early Childhood Family Education. If you are a parent who is looking for something to do with your little one(s), I highly recommend ECFE classes. They are available all over the metro, cater to young children from birth to preschool, and provide some much needed socializing and support for parents and kids. Plus, you learn tons of songs that your kids will love (and, if you are anything like me, will entertain you for hours while you lie in bed at night wondering why you can’t fall asleep when you are so incredibly tired. 🙂
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